As you see, we’ve changed a few things here on the blog….first we updated our look and added a bunch of fun new widgets! We’re becoming more comfortable and familiar with the blog and all that we can bring to it. Hope you enjoy it! We’re also eagerly anticipating the full blogging arrival of Elizabeth, you may have noted that although our tagline is 3 women with out of control book hoarding issues, only 2 of us have been regularly posting. Not that Elizabeth isn’t voicing her opinions, we’re still getting those via email, she’s just figuring this whole thing out. Coming Soon – a great review of the Tiger’s Wife, courtesy of Elizabeth…whenever she figures it out. :-)
Let us know what you think of the changes and we always gladly accept recommendations for something else you would like to see on here.
And P.S. For the first year ever I think, I am kicking Jackie’s ass in the Goodreads Reading Challenge! Woot! Woot! (You can see our results on the sidebar over here to your right…)
Hey stop kicking my ass!!! I haven’t been listening to books this year!! Gotta get on that!!