So, my job brought me into Portland, Oregon last week and i had one thing in mind– VISIT POWELL’S!!! i had been there on a previous trip with WAY less time and i had been dreaming of a return ever since.
this is truly a place for the Book Lover to get lost in. it takes up an ENTIRE city block– 4 floors, with 9 different rooms and over 3500 different sections. like i needed to be tempted into buying more books but how could i resist?? with my gigantic “to read” list on my Goodreads app i thought i was all set to find all of the books i had been LONGING to read. turns out there was not enough charge on my iPhone so i was “forced” to walk row-by-row browsing each shelf, trying to remember author’s names in the ginormous Literature and Fiction section– fun, fun, FUN!! 2 and a half hours later and 15 books in the basket i hadn’t even left that section!! the paring down of the books was heartbreaking, but necessary (after all i had to get the books home on the plane). here were the final picks:
some books were on my “to read”, others were new discoveries that i hope turn out to be good reads!! i didn’t find the prices SUPER cheap– especially since most of the books were used (i have found better deals at B&N) but you couldn’t beat the experience. so, if you are ever in Portland– JUST GO!!
speaking of B&N– looky what was waiting for me when i got back:
15% off + buy 2 get one free = :)