Sigh. I’ve added 19 more Netgalley titles recently! This is in addition to my already overwhelming number of Netgalley titles showing as 3 months or older. Help. Me. (Do you know too they are already putting up books that will be out in January 2020?!)
However, I have to say I’ve done quite well reading many from my earlier post talking about my personal Netgalley Challenge for 2019. I have read The End of Loneliness, Reproduction, Elsewhere Home, When All is Said and The Wolf and the Watchman. So amazing progress right? (When All is Said is hands down my favourite of the bunch and the 5-star read in that grouping.) I still haven’t read The Hiding Place or Leading Men, but I will get to them!
There are still four on my original list, but aren’t out until the later summer months, so I don’t feel I’m behind on them at all. I will be reading them. Those four are:
July 2019 July 2019 Oops, out already July 2019

I also have a couple of short story collections to read. Home Remedies is out in a couple of weeks and Meteorites is out in June, so I’ll be reading those soon.

However, the library called! I have two books coming in for me today – Midnight at the Tuscany Hotel and Sleepless Night. Midnight at the Tuscany Hotel was put on hold because of the success that Hoarder Elizabeth had with Markert’s What Blooms From Dust. I can get What Blooms From Dust from our library (Hoopla only) but Tuscany Hotel sounds great! I’m looking forward to reading it. And Sleepless Night is an interesting sounding novella and will put me back on track with the Reading Women 2019 Challenge!

So what have I been busy requesting and overwhelming myself with? It’s a lot of books. I need help.
A couple of them are out now and are an eclectic mix of books:
The rest are a mix of June, July and August and are another eclectic mix of books – from suspense to heartwarming to heavy and some are new books by favoured authors. So many books. So.Many.Books.
There’s two books from author’s that I will read everything they put out – Nicole Lundrigan’s Hideaway looks like it’s going to be so creepy and disturbing – I’m totally in love with her ability to write these stories! I adored Hum If You Don’t Know the Words by Bianca Marais, so If You Want to Make God Laugh was a no-brainer request. I’ve also added two books from authors I’ve read before – I’m very interested in reading Tea Obreht’s Inland and Jennifer Weiner is always a treat!
I’ve added a few others that perhaps might not be my usual fare, such as Emily Eternal by M.G. Wheaton, which is a science fiction novel and you all know I rarely, if ever, read in that genre. But this sounds completely fascinating and I’m wondering if there is some bit of Liz Moore’s The Unseen World in here? The Paper Wasp looks like a trip, and I will admit to first being drawn to it because of its awesome cover! I’m a little hesitant about Laura Purcell’s The Poison Thread, I started and quickly stopped reading The Silent Companions. Hoarder Elizabeth read it to the end though, and The Poison Thread doesn’t sound half bad does it? A Good Enough Mother is a thriller/suspense that I just said I wanted to give a rest to didn’t I? ;-) (So this might be one of the last ones I get to.)
The rest are a mix of mystery and heavier books plus a memoir and a couple that could be very heartwarming. I love the cover for Summerlings! It also sounds like a fantastic summer book!
I love looking at all the covers! Here’s to hoping there are many, if not all, in this mix that will be fantastic reads for me. Are there any from here on your list? Which ones look the most fascinating to you? Wish me luck! Because there are so many listed here, it surely means I’ll be neglecting the piles of books I’ve bought recently too! That could be a separate post…I’ve been shopping lately.

*laughs* I know, right? They are endlessly tempting. I’ve read Sleepless Nights recently, but the others on your list are not in my stacks. I can see why they have tempted you though: enjoy!
It’s ridiculous! I need to read the ones I bought and sit on my shelf too! So Many Books!