Now that the official site is up, I can let you all know about my exciting news! I will be a member of the Shadow Giller Jury for the 2020 Giller Prize! All the details can be found here on the new Shadow Giller website. (They also have social media pages on Twitter and Facebook.)
The Shadow Giller has been around for a good number of years and was founded by Kevin from Canada. Sadly, Kevin passed away but in 2016, but the Shadow Giller continued, saying “the show must go on”. Naomi at Consumed by Ink has been on the Shadow jury since 2016 and this year asked if I would like to take part. YES! I’ve been following the Shadow Giller right alongside the official Giller Prize so I’m completely excited to be a part of this very fun project!
This year’s jury is made up of myself, Naomi, Kate and Lindy. Details about everyone can be found here. We’re all anxiously awaiting the Longlist announcement on September 8. We will be reading each title on the Shortlist and will come up with our chosen winner a few days before the official Giller jury’s choice. This is a fun project to be a part of and promotes our love of Canadian literature. So, no, while there will be no cash prize awarded to our winner ;-), we will be leaving that up to the official Giller Prize, we do look forward to reading the nominated titles and coming up with our winning pick!
Before the Longlist announcement is made, I will already be reading and posting about eligible titles that may or may not make the list on here, and on the Shadow Giller site as well. The other jurors will be doing the same, so I recommend checking the Shadow Giller’s site regularly!
I hope to have you reading along with us on this super fun journey!

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