Lately my reading has seen me steeped deep only into historical fiction. I was determined my next read was to be nothing like the past few books I had read. The Accident, with its premise of suspense and espionage in the publishing world seemed like just the ticket. As a copy of The Accident appeared in my mailbox, thanks to Random House Canada, on the very day I was due to begin something new, I eagerly dove in.
The Accident is broken down over the course of one day with sections titled, Morning, Afternoon, and Night, and we follow along as an anonymous author submits a manuscript to a personal contact and trusted editor at a publishing company. Only one copy, and definitely not an electronic copy either, is supposed to be read by this editor’s eyes only. However, all along this manuscript’s journey, with its promise of an explosive expose of a world-renowned media mogul, many others begin to find out about it, make copies of it and lay great hopes that this will “the one book” to make their careers, save their publishing houses and make them rich.
However, the knowledge that this manuscript may be out there with the anonymous’ author’s intent to have it published, is already well known by the media mogul trying desperate to keep his secrets from ever seeing the light of day. All during this one day, we follow these various people and witness as each one meets their demise.
The pages of The Accident do easily and effortlessly turn and if you’re looking for a light and fast-paced read this is a good one to reach for. Yes, there were times when it felt like a PSA for the publishing industry and independent book stores and many of those conveniently placed product placements throughout tend to wear thin, but it was a nice and light read, if not headed toward the far-fetched and “fantastic” side of believability. It’s a great read for the more casual reader however, in my opinion
Thanks once again to Random House Canada for the continued opportunities to read RHC titles.
There is also another novel also entitled The Accident by Ismail Kadaré that I am interested in reading as well – also a thriller/mystery title! We’ll see if this one is more of a “deeper” read?
I also haven’t read The Expats which was the debut from Chris Pavone, but it was on the TBR list too!
I’m not much of a thriller reader, but i could not put this one down. The whole publishing angle really intrigued me too. I am definitely going to read The Expats, especially since I am now living as an expat!
Yes, it was something where the pages just flew and before I knew it, I was finished. A very good and fast-paced read! Thanks for stopping by Tanya!
I’ve also passed this one on to my co-worker who said he is just burning through it too and really enjoying it. ;-)